Enter Markets

Enter into a list of markets - it is not an error to enter the same market more than once. In order to supply collateral or borrow in a market, it must be entered first.


function enterMarkets(address[] calldata sTokens) returns (uint[] memory)
  • msg.sender: The account which shall enter the given markets.

  • sTokens: The addresses of the sToken markets to enter.

  • RETURN: For each market, returns an error code indicating whether or not it was entered. Each is 0 on success, otherwise an Error code.


Comptroller troll = Comptroller(0xABCD...);
SToken[] memory sTokens = new SToken[](2);
sTokens[0] = SErc20(0x3FDA...);
sTokens[1] = SEther(0x3FDB...);
uint[] memory errors = troll.enterMarkets(sTokens);

Web3 1.0

const troll = Comptroller.at(0xABCD...);
const sTokens = [SErc20.at(0x3FDA...), SEther.at(0x3FDB...)];
const errors = await troll.methods.enterMarkets(sTokens).send({from: ...});

Last updated