Claim STRK

Every Strike user accrues STRK for each block they are supplying to or borrowing from the protocol. Users may call the Comptroller's claimStrike method at any time to transfer STRK accrued to their address.


// Claim all the STRK accrued by holder in all markets
function claimStrike(address holder) public

// Claim all the STRK accrued by holder in specific markets
function claimStrike(address holder, SToken[] memory sTokens) public

// Claim all the STRK accrued by specific holders in specific markets for their supplies and/or borrows
function claimStrike(address[] memory holders, SToken[] memory sTokens, bool borrowers, bool suppliers) public


Comptroller troll = Comptroller(0xABCD...);

Web3 1.2.6

const comptroller = new web3.eth.Contract(comptrollerAbi, comptrollerAddress);
await comptroller.methods.claimStrike("0x1234...").send({ from: sender });

Last updated